St. Francis of Assisi of Bridgeport
St. Mary of the Assumption of Minoa & St. Matthew of East Syracuse

Parish Staff:


Rev. Stephen P. Wirkes


Dc. Dean Brainard
Dc. Joseph Lupia Jr.

Business Manager:

Joseph Lupia Jr.

Administrative Assistants:  

Anne Kolozsvary & JoAnn Binion

Faith Formation Director:

Gary Krajacic


Cemetery Director:

Laura Cavanaugh -315-345-8007

Music Director SFA & SMA:  

Lynne Stocker - 315-725-8510

Music Director SM & SMA:

Mike McClelland -



Attention New Parishioners

If you would like to join one of our
3 Linked Parishes

     Click on the link below to join

St. Francis or St. Mary's

Census Form

For   St. Matthew's Parish 
Click on the Link Below

St. Matthew's Census Form

Completed  Forms can be
mailed  to the Parish Office

229 W. Yates St. -
E. Syracuse, NY  13057


Drop it in the Collection on Sunday


Parish Office Mailing Address:

For our 3 Linked Parishes

St. Francis of Assisi (SFA)  

St. Matthew's Church (SMT)

St. Mary of the Assumption (SMA)  

229 W. Yates Street  East Syracuse, NY


Main Parish Office Phone Number

Phone Number: 315-437-8318

Email:  and

 Physical Addresses:

St. Francis of Assisi (SFA),
7820 Route 298, Bridgeport, NY 13030

St. Mary's of the Assumption (SMA),

401 No. Main St. Minoa, NY 13116

If your out of town and need to find a

Catholic Mass Times

Catholic Church click on the link for

Looking for a Grave Site - CLICK HERE

St. Mary's Cemetery Minoa, NY CLICK HERE

Weekly Contributions
Your weekly Donation Can now
be done Online!
It's easy and it's secure. It’s just a click awayJust choose the church you want to donate to below

Donate Online for 

St. Francis Click Here

Donate Online for

St. Mary's Click Here

Donate Online for

St. Matthew's Click Here

the best way to stay informed Sign up for flocknote it's easy and safe Don't be left behind

The third sunday of lent  3/23/25

Mass Times

Saturday - 4:30 PM at St. Matthew's

Sunday - 8:00 AM at St. Matthew's
Sunday - 9:30 AM at St. Francis

Sunday - 11:00 AM at St. Mary's

Donations can also be mailed to:

229 W. Yates Street
East Syracuse, NY 13057


Drop it in the Mail slot at the Parish Offices

To Join Flocknote 

Click here to get Started

help us help the hungry!

Envelopes are now avaialble at all three parishes to help your local Food Pantry In this time of high inflation and rising food prices, our three food pantries need help! They must purchase food for items not donated. This is how you can help!
BRIDGEPORT ~ St. Francis make checks payable to:
Bridgeport Food Pantry and put it Sunday's Collection basket.

~ St. Mary's make checks payable to: Heaven's Pantry and mail it to 246 East Ave, Minoa, NY 13116
~ St. Matthew's make checks payable to:

St. Matthew's Food Pantry and put it Sunday's Collection basket.R

Parish Office Mailing Address - For our 3 Linked Parishes - 

St. Francis of Assisi (SFA) / St. Mary of the Assumption (SMA) / St. Matthew's Church (SMT)

229 W. Yates Street East Syracuse, NY 13057 

Phone Number: 315-437-8318  
Fax Number: 315-463-6399

Bulletins- click on the date

Sacrament of Penance (Confession)

Saturday's @ St. Matthew's

3:30-4:15 PM

Sunday's @ St. Mary's 

After 11:00AM Mass

Daily Mass Scheulde

Monday & Wednesday

St. Mary's - 9:00 AM


St. Matthew's - 9:00 AM

Funerals Take Precedence over Daily Mass - When a funeral is scheduled, Daily Mass at any of our Churches will be Cancelled on that day, 

In the event of a Funeral Mass Intentions will be moved to another Day Sorry for any inconvenience  Fr. Wirkes

Request for Mass Intention

If you would like to Request specific dates for Mass Intentions - Please call the Parish Office or send your request at least 3-6 months in advance of the Date you want. If preferred Mass dates & times are unavailable the next available Mass time will be scheduled 

Please go to the Announcement Page For information on Events taking place in our 3 Tri- Parishes 

Angela Anastas, Fred Bennick, Helen Berger,  Frank & Sandy Bryant,  Nancy Cassella, Michelle Cayea, Joanne Colosi, Tiffany Conboy,  Chuck Davidson, James Pat, & Debora Dygert, Teddy Emch-Paone, Louise Flynn, Chuck Gaspe, Sam Magari, Anne McCarthy, Josie Mills, John Mirabito,  Andrew Paulus, MaryJo Russell, Pat & Chuck Samora, Al Smith, Richard Spagnola, Helen Timmins, Sandy & Dennis Van Auken,  Chet Waskiewicz